A bear encounter

Twice this fall we have been fortunate to see bears in their natural habitat. The second encounter happend on a sunny afternoon, when we were driving around on small forest roads hoping to see some elks (mooses) to shoot (with the camera, i.e).

Suddenly Roffe stopped the car, rolled down the car window and pointed at a sunlit stone some 40, 50 meters away on a clearcut.

-Look at that stone over there, he said. Doesn’t it look weird, or is it just the sunlight playing tricks on us? 1 The stone


Suddenly the “stone” began to move and we could see the outline of a bear. 2 The stone moves


3 A bear


We were both ready with our cameras in the lap and Roffe’s clicking the camera, as if it was an AK-4, immediately alerted the bear.

4 Bear looking at us
OMG, not ’em damned paparazzis again! Why can’t they leave me alone.


5 Bear half length
OK, just this once. What do you prefer, half length…


6 Bear full length
….or full length?


7 close up
A close up, perhaps?
8 Profile
Or maybe you find my smiling side view more attractive?


9 Time to leave
OK, enough is enough, I have to carry on. It is time to find myself a hibernation for the winter.

Well, we just wonder how many such “stones” we have have passed throughout the years while walking or hiking the woods and wetlands searching for berries and fungis.


25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall

Today is a very special day – celebrating 25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall.

The wall seen from the west side.
Berlin wall on tjhe west side


Berlin - Muren 2


Though most of the Berlin wall was dismantled, a 1,3 kilometer stretch was  saved as a memorial of freedom. The stretch was painted / decorated by 118 different artists from 21 different countries and became East Side Gallery, the world’s largest open-air mural collection.

Berlin - Muren 3


Berlin wall


Berlin - muren 2


Berlin - Berlin wall